
 Kotierungen und Preise - Soja

Quelle Preis (EUR/t) Verändert mit Grafische Darstellung Datum
CME Chicago 4...1 0...3 2024-05-16
Kaufangebot Landmar Moldawien FCA (vom Bauernhof) 3...6 3...5 2024-05-9
Romania - NordVest 3...5 3...5 2020-11-23
European Commission Ukraine 3...8 -...2 2024-05-8
Milan (foreign transactions) 4...0 - 4...0 -...0 2024-05-14
Milan (BIO production Italy) 6...0 - 6...0 1...0 2024-05-14
Milan (national transactions) 4...0 - 4...0 5...0 2024-05-14
ELA General - Bid (Moldova) 2...7 -... 2020-02-24
CerealeColectDistribution Bid (CPT Constanta - Black Sea) 3...8 -... 2018-11-16

 Statistiken - Soja - Marketing Year - 23/24

+2.58 %



+6.02 %



+5.33 %



+9.67 %



* date from the latest USDA reports (updated monthly) and displays the difference between the current and the previous season.

 Grafische Darstellungen - Soja

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 Zeitmaschine - Soja

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Multi-season comparison: graphic presenting prices from the last 3 seasons, for the same period of the year.
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Kotierungen und Preise Soja

  • pretul de azi pentru Soja de la CME Chicago publicat in data de 2024-05-16 este 4...1 EUR/t

  • pretul de azi pentru Soja de la Kaufangebot Landmar Moldawien FCA (vom Bauernhof) publicat in data de 2024-05-9 este 3...6 EUR/t

  • pretul de azi pentru Soja de la Romania - NordVest publicat in data de 2020-11-23 este 3...5 EUR/t

  • pretul de azi pentru Soja de la European Commission Ukraine publicat in data de 2024-05-8 este 3...8 EUR/t

  • pretul de azi pentru Soja de la Milan (foreign transactions) publicat in data de 2024-05-14 este 4...0 EUR/t

  • pretul de azi pentru Soja de la Milan (BIO production Italy) publicat in data de 2024-05-14 este 6...0 EUR/t

  • pretul de azi pentru Soja de la Milan (national transactions) publicat in data de 2024-05-14 este 4...0 EUR/t

  • pretul de azi pentru Soja de la ELA General - Bid (Moldova) publicat in data de 2020-02-24 este 2...7 EUR/t

  • pretul de azi pentru Soja de la CerealeColectDistribution Bid (CPT Constanta - Black Sea) publicat in data de 2018-11-16 este 3...8 EUR/t